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Marketing: The Art Of Balance

March 18, 2010

What draws in the attention of crowds and audiences when watching an ice skating performance is the ability of the performer to tell a story through their actions and motions in fluidity, while at the same time retaining perfect balance. In similar regards, this ‘balance’ is one that can be the difference between a good marketing campaign and a great one.

To understand the many dimensions and angles that marketing campaigns consist of, we would need chapters rather than articles to fully understand them. Still, understanding the art of balance in regards to marketing is a fairly simplistic concept. Continue Reading…


Marketing: Why You Must Continue To Change

January 11, 2010

Marketing Change

5 years ago, marketing through online branding was considered far fetched at best. The concept was raw, and the number of companies using it scarce. Today though, blogs, social networking profiles and online advertisements have become almost standard practice when it comes to marketing. The question now becomes “what brought about the change?”

The answer to this lies within the question: Change.

We must always remember that although ‘change’ can be a frightening concept, ‘change’ has helped us improve our quality of living, helped us make new discoveries and in some cases, been a beacon for hope.

When it comes to marketing, change can be scary, exciting and rewarding. What’s important is that we always remember that change is inevitable. Continue Reading…

Social Media

How Will You Engage Your Community?

September 24, 2009

Engage Your Community

An important part of a companies brand is how they engage their community. Your community can help you climb to new heights, but can also bring you back down to earth. With consumers becoming less receptive to brands that market themselves through traditional forms of marketing such as television and print, companies have begun to embrace social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook as powerful tools for engagement. As the number of companies using social media continue to rise, companies must be prepared to answer the question “how will you engage your community?”

This past week I was able to listen and interact with some of the great minds in social media at the Social Media Marketing Strategies Conference. Some of the big names included keynote speakers MC Hammer and Ian Schafer, as well as Rohit Bhargava [Digital Strategy & Marketing, Ogilvy], Michael Bissell [President, Conquent ], Jun Loayza [President,], Brian Solis [Principal, PR2.0 & FutureWorks], and Shiv Singh [VP & Global Social Media Lead, Razorfish]. From the event I was able to learn about the direction of social media and more importantly, the growing role it will play in a companies success. Continue Reading…

Social Media

Life Without Lag: The Social Media Effect

August 16, 2009

life without lag

Google maps says it takes 10 minutes to get from point A to point B. Unfortunately, 10 minutes ends up being more like 13 minutes. Although it’s just 3 minutes off, that’s 3 minutes lost. As the day continues, the minutes add up. How many minutes have you wasted? Whether it’s the time wasted in traffic or the time spent waiting in lines, it makes one wonder what life without lag would be like.

While no one would say they enjoy waiting in long lines or sitting in traffic, it has become a part of life. Just how brushing your teeth and tying your shoelaces have become second nature, so has living with ‘lag.’ We complain about it, but with no solution. The delays that we experience every day in our lives also occur because of uncontrollable events. From the snow storm that delays a flight home on the holidays to the rain that makes traffic seem twice as slow, we have accepted delay and lag as part of our lives. Continue Reading…