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Marriage: Logic Or Emotion?

June 28, 2009

Here is the plan: You graduate from college, you get a good job, you find a nice girl, you get married, have kids, and then you retire and travel the world. Sounds simple doesn’t it? Unfortunately it isn’t. Instead, trying to plan out your life is like trying to predict the weather without knowing where you are nor what time of the year. While many may feel discouraged and disappointed when life doesn’t go according to their ‘master plan,’ perhaps that is what make life so beautiful.

You wake up not knowing if it’ll be sunny or cloudy, but when you do get a sunny day, it makes your day more enjoyable. If every day was sunny and predictable, what would make it special? Marriage is much the same. Finding love as opposed to infatuation makes a relationship meaningful and special. For some of us, love happens once in a lifetime while infatuation happens every day.

Logic Versus Emotion

So why do you want to get married? That is the big question that many people ask those that say they want to get married. Is it for love? Is it for financial stability? What is it? While you may get different responses, the reason for getting married can be broken down into two distinct categories: Logic and Emotion. Continue Reading…

Career, Lifestyle

One Relationship: Two Roads

January 15, 2009

As I enter my third week of the work I have come to the realization that I am an ‘adult.’ Books and midterms have been replaced by meetings and hours of starting at a computer screen. For most, the corporate work path is well suited for them. Working at Future Delivery I have a truly unique opportunity. I am able to set my own work hours, sleep in as late as I want, and work on any project I want. So you ask what kind of job is this?

This is what it is like to be part of a start-up company. Everything I mentioned previously is not what it may appear. Yes, I can set my own hours, but I have been working approximately 14 hour work days, 7 days a week. I can work on any project, but still need to get them all done. I can sleep in, but if I do, that only means I will sleep even later. The corporate life provides structure, rules, and guidance. In a sense, when you first start out working in the corporate world, you are taught how to work. No one can teach you how to be an entrepreneur or part of a start-up company. Instead, you are given an idea. With that idea, you have to run with it. If the idea doesn’t work. Then pick up another one and run again.

For myself, the person that means the most to me aside from my family members, is my girlfriend. Recently, she joined the corporate world and now works 9-5, 5 days a week. Looking at how far we both have come, I realize that determination has played a big part in where we are today. In high school, we were both determined to be with each other through it all. During college, we made it through a long-distance relationship. Now here we are again. Facing two different paths: Corporate world vs Entrepreuner world. One is where you follow the rules, the other, you make em.’ When her work day is done, mine continues. When her work day starts, mine still is continuing. I have made adjustments to my life so that I am able to spend ‘quality’ time with her. From waking up early and getting more work done during the day, to delegating tasks to others. Just like when you ride a bike, at first you will have bumps and falls, but eventually you will get the hang of it. Similar to that idea, the career paths my girlfriend and I are part of is ‘work in progress.’ We will learn what works and what doesn’t. What is right and what is wrong. Most of all, we will learn how two different career paths can make for one great relationship.


Lost Faith?

June 6, 2008

As I stared at the clock, it read 3:14am. Like a nightly ritual I turned on my TV and lied in bed and began to slowly slip away to dreamland. As I began to subconsciously change channels, I settled on an HBO special on the scandals revolving the Catholic Church. The special delved into the circumstances regarding the situation as well as having first hand accounts of ‘abuse survivors’. What astonished me was that most of the victims still attended church on a regular basis with even more determination to become a ‘good catholic.’ As I listened to one after another speak of the unforgivable acts that occured, only one thing came to mind: Why? Not why did the events happen, but why do they still believe in the church and what it stands for.

Many believe that religion causes wars. That is partly true. They weren’t called the ‘Crusades’ for nothing. But aside from that, religion also provides hope, reason and most importantly faith. Faith that humanity has a future. Faith that there is some good in this world. Seeing the torn faces of the ‘abuse survivors’ I could only feel pity for them. Listening to them speak words that could only come from the heart was surreal. These were people who had there ‘faith’ taken away from them. The church is supposed to embody the teachings and beliefs they preach. They are in a sense the ‘library’ or ‘school’ of the religion. The church teaches people ways to interpret ideas and concepts and how to apply them to there daily life. From how to treat others to views on abortion and same sex marriages, the church plays a vital role in many peoples lives. But for the people who are victims of the church, they are faced with a room with no light. To find the switch to turn on the lights, they must go to the only place they know: back to the church.

Wouldn’t an event so devastating and so life changing not make one question there ‘faith’ or whats left of it? To make the question clear, I will make the comparison of love and religion. Love is a word we use to describe an emotion. While there is no general way to define what it ‘feels like to be in love’, when it happens, we just know. Whether it is the sudden realization that you can’t live without someone or the fact that you will miss them that one weekend you are gone, we can say we know love exists. When we break up with someone that we love, we hate the world. We hate everything associated with love and that relationship. Still, we won’t deny that fact that love exists. Going back to religion, we have the similar situation as with love. An individual that is a devoted to there religion can go to church everyday, pray everyday and live by the teachings. But the main difference is that while in love we can experience it and know it exist, in religion an incident like the situation with the priests that sexually abused the children, it makes one question its existence.

As I once heard someone say,

“Life without love is empty, but life without hope, meaning or faith is not a life at all”