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Starbucks: An Icon Of Globalization

June 7, 2009

Would you ever pay $5.00 for a pack of gum? My guess is that a majority of you would say no. While paying $5.00 for a pack of gum may sound absurd, ‘gourmet’ gum may be just around the corner. With the days of $.50 coffee a thing of the past and cappuccino’s and latte’s become mainstream, Starbucks has turned shelling out big money for ‘simple’ products the norm.

If you drive through any big city in the United States, you probably wouldn’t have to look far to find a Starbucks. With it’s green and white logo, it sometimes feels like Starbucks opens new stores just for fun. Just the other day I saw 2 Starbucks in the same plaza. Whether it is by mistake or a strategic marketing strategy, Starbucks continues to open new stores and with it comes new Starbucks aficionado’s.
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