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Do You Have A ‘Great’ Idea?

February 17, 2010

There are ideas and then there are great ideas. The difference between ‘ideas’ which we think of everyday and the occasional great idea, is that great ideas compel us to tell someone and take action. Whether it’s a new way to improve public transit or new method of understanding online customers, great ideas are dangerous for one reason: they change the status quo.

For many, status quo means doing what everyone else is. In other words, fitting in.

So why do people like to fit in? The saying “go with the flow,” is popular among the masses and refers to complying with the systems set in place. Perhaps it is the convenience of having a system established on how to do things or the idea of ‘blending in,’ but what we all need to remember is that fitting-in means that you are boring. Applying Seth Godin’s concept of “the purple cow,” individuals that choose to ‘go with the flow’ and make no effort to be ‘remarkable,’ are replaceable. Continue Reading…


Can You Eliminate Fear?

September 8, 2009

One of the most famous quotes in U.S. history is by Franklin Delano Roosevelt when he said that “we have nothing to fear but fear itself.” While the words he spoke are nearly 70 years old, the meaning remains the same. For many of us, fear is our greatest enemy. The fear that Roosevelt refers to is the same fear that surrounds us and confronts us everyday.

For one to truly be successful they must learn to handle and ideally, eliminate fear. Failure to do so allows fear to paralyze one from progress. Roosevelt understood this best. With the coming of an economic depression, Roosevelt could sense ‘fear’ overcoming the nation. To this he confronted it head on. He made it clear that we must not allow fear to keep us mired in self-pity and loss but that we must eliminate fear. Continue Reading…


Entrepreneur Island

July 20, 2009

As the sun begins to set, the work day does not end. Instead, work continues late into the night with sleep the last thing on one’s mind. This is the life I have chosen. — An Entrepreneur

As an entrepreneur, if you want to ‘survive’ and make it off the ‘island’, then you must succeed. Failure is not an option, yet it is the most common result. In what can be called odd, so many people choose to play this game of ‘entrepreneurship’ even though they are fully aware that odds are against them.

The biggest question that one may ask is “Why play?” For some it is the thrill of watching their dreams take flight while for others it just comes natural. Just how some are born natural athletes, some are just natural entrepreneurs. For those that choose to follow their dreams and ideas, they find themselves stranded on an island with only one way off: success. This is as real as it gets. No one tells you how to play the game, nor how to succeed. You have to trust your instinct and most of all your dream. Continue Reading…


Starbucks: An Icon Of Globalization

June 7, 2009

Would you ever pay $5.00 for a pack of gum? My guess is that a majority of you would say no. While paying $5.00 for a pack of gum may sound absurd, ‘gourmet’ gum may be just around the corner. With the days of $.50 coffee a thing of the past and cappuccino’s and latte’s become mainstream, Starbucks has turned shelling out big money for ‘simple’ products the norm.

If you drive through any big city in the United States, you probably wouldn’t have to look far to find a Starbucks. With it’s green and white logo, it sometimes feels like Starbucks opens new stores just for fun. Just the other day I saw 2 Starbucks in the same plaza. Whether it is by mistake or a strategic marketing strategy, Starbucks continues to open new stores and with it comes new Starbucks aficionado’s.
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