Monthly Archives

November 2009

Social Media

The Social Media Superhero

November 17, 2009

Answer the following questions with a simple Yes or No:

  1. The only way you can fly is in an airplane.
  2. You know where and what everyone is doing thanks to Facebook.
  3. Your leather belt is the closest you’ll ever be to having a utility belt.
  4. The Fail Whale cowers in your presence.
  5. The only way you will look like Wolverine is if you don’t shave.

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Carpe Diem: Riding The Wave To Success

November 4, 2009

In 23 BC, Horace first introduced to us the idea of Carpe Diem. Carpe Diem, or “seize the day,” has since become a way of life for some, and for others, a constant reminder of the importance of ‘living’ each day. In the business world, carpe diem can be seen all around us. For entrepreneurs, carpe diem not only serves a motto, but also a beacon for new opportunities.

Seize The Day

When Horace first mentioned carpe diem, it was part of a longer message from Odes Book I.

In full, Horace writes: carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.

In translation this means: Seize the day and place no trust in tomorrow.

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